I write a fair amount of
pre-nuptial agreements and my clients often have difficulty with same requests
from me. I decided it would be beneficial if I explain them in my blog.
Following is a list of common
First, I always ask to
disclose all property and debt of each party and it always surprises me when
people resist the disclosure. One of many questions is “why do I need to show
what I have?”
Third, I always recommend that
their fiancé hired an independent counsel before signing the agreement.
Unfortunately I cannot force them to hire one. I wish I could though.
Why am I so concerned about
the items on the list? Here is why: in a recent appellate case In re the Marriage of Kaye, which
was unpublished, Division One upheld trial court’s decision to invalidate the
parties’ prenuptial agreement on the grounds of substantive and procedural unfairness.
Meaning they said the agreement was invalid because the parties did not provide
full disclosure of the assets, they did not understand terms of their agreement
and the wife did not have an attorney for the agreement review and thus did not
fully understand the terms of the agreement.
From legal point of view, when
analyzing enforceability of prenuptial agreement, the court undertakes a
two-prong test:
1. The
court determines if the agreement is substantively fair. If it is fair, then
the agreement is enforceable.
2. If
the court finds that the agreement is not fair, the court checks if it was
procedurally fair when executed. The term “procedurally fair” means:
a. Both spouses made full disclosure of the
amount, character, and value of the property; and
b. The
agreement was freely entered into on independent advice from counsel with full
knowledge by both spouses of their rights.
The court in our case found
the agreement both substantively and procedurally unfair. On substantive unfairness
the court held:
“In the context of the parties’
economic means at the time of execution, these paragraphs [the court referred
to specific paragraphs in the agreement] limited the accumulation of community
property and disproportionally benefited Karl. When Barbara and Karl married,
Barbara owned modest property assets. Her primary source of income was the
salary she earned working for a local bank. Conversely, Karl owned substantial
property assets and various real estate investments, stocks, and bonds that
generated his primary source of income. He had not worked for years, and there
was no expectation that he would work during the marriage. By its terms, the
agreement essentially ensured that Karl’s property would always remain
separate. … Karl’s substantial property assets and its proceeds remained his
separate property even if those assets increased in value or became commingled
with community assets. Any community funds that directly benefited separate
property would be deemed a gift. There was no requirement that a party be reimbursed
for community or separate funds gifted to the other party.”
In addition, the agreement
prevented accumulation of community property and “it ensured that Karl would
retain and interest in half of Barbara’s salary or any asset obtained with the
proceeds of her salary. Further, no other clause in the agreement expressly
designates any assets as community property. By the agreement’s terms, the only
sources of community property are wages, salaries, and employment benefits –
assets and only Barbara was expected to contribute when the signed the
The court also analyzed other
provisions of the agreement and found it to be substantively unfair. “Given the
parties’ economic circumstances at the time of execution, the agreement
disproportionally favors Karl, restricts the creation of community property,
prohibits the distribution of separate property upon dissolution, limits
inheritance rights, and precludes statutory rights upon dissolution or death.”
It would have been ok, if the
agreement was procedurally fair though. In this case, the court held that the
agreement was procedurally unfair because (1) neither party understood what was
in the agreement, and (2) Barbara did not receive independent legal advice.
That is the main point, both
parties will benefit if they have reasonable time to review proposed agreement,
go over each and every provision with their attorney, and both parties have an
attorney to review that agreement.
My recommendation is always to
have an attorney review proposed prenuptial agreement, and always make sure
that you understand all provisions of the agreement.