Some people consider
doing divorce themselves. I wanted to address this question on when
representing yourself in divorce is a good idea, what to be aware of and how to
do it properly.
Before I go into the
details of DIY divorce, it is necessary to note that the Washington state is
the first state where one can get a qualified help with divorce from a Limited License Legal Technicians, also known
as paralegals.
The idea behind a
new invention of the legal technicians is to "offer and affordable legal
support option to help meet the needs of those unable to afford the services of
an attorney." However, one does not need to have low income to hire a legal
They are trained and
licensed to give legal advice to people going through following matters:
- All family law matters
- In a few years elder law, landlord tenant disputes, and immigration will be added as practice areas.
Legal Technicians
can give legal advice on specific matters meaning
- Get relevant facts from clients
- Apply legal standards to those facts and inform clients about that
- Give advice on how best to manage their legal action and recommend a specific course of action
- Perform legal research to answer client's specific questions
- Prepare legal documents for them
- Advice clients on how to represent themselves in court proceedings
Legal Technicians
- represent clients in court
- Negotiate on behalf of the client
- Prepare documents other than those that were approve by the Limited License Legal Technician Board.
In addition to
licensed legal technicians there are a wide variety of online services that offer to fill out paperwork for you and even
file it with the court. They ask for a modest fee so some people feel compelled
to either use them or cite their fee as a guide of how much an attorney should
charge for their work.
If I were to choose
between the two above-identified options,
I would go with Legal Technicians. They have to fulfill requirements to
become Legal Technicians. Full list of requirements could be found here.
In contrast to Legal
Technicians, qualifications of online services are unknown. As far as I
understand, in front of a computer could be anyone filling out your forms for
you. I would not trust my legal action to someone whose knowledge and
experience is unknown.
Now, when is it a good idea to use Legal Technicians?
First, when your
funds are so limited that you cannot afford an attorney and you are not
qualified for programs designed for low income clients.
Second, when your
case is so small and uncomplicated that you could do it yourself (I will
provide a definition of "small and uncomplicated cases" later in this
post) and you do not have time to actually do it yourself.
In all other cases,
you are better off with hiring an attorney to represent you.
Why you need an attorney?
My position is that
you always need an attorney to represent you in your dissolution of marriage
case. There is one tiny exception to this rule. I will define it at the end of
this post. The question remains: why do you need an attorney in your divorce case?
First, your case
might be complex and it would
not be possible for you to even figure out your legal rights. Some cases
involve many complicated legal issues such as service of process on the
opposing party that is currently in another country, division of 401k plans,
brokerage accounts, real estate and other property that is not easy to divide,
spousal maintenance and its calculation, domestic violence and ways to deal
with the allegations of it, etc. Majority of people simply do not have time to
research those issues. Moreover, it is important to remember that research must
be done in a law library or by using Westlaw or Lexis. Internet provides with
the answers but they are incomplete and often contain only brief explanations
without details that are essential in family law.
Second, you need to
know legal procedure. When you
are served with a motion for temporary orders, what are the deadlines for
filing the response to it? Do you need to confirm the hearing? Where and how to
do it? Do not forget about working copies to the judge. There might be a page
limit to the motion and your declaration as well. Those and other procedural
requirements are stated in the court rules and are different in different
counties. Your attorney will consult Washington court rules and local rules for
the county where your case is filed.
Please remember that
if you do not follow local rules, the judge might exclude the evidence, might
refuse to hear your motion or might even grant the motion of the opposing party
with the exclusion of your declaration.
Third, you hire an
attorney to reduce stress from
the divorce. Divorce is very stressful as is. Your life as you know it has
ended. In the next few months you will need to divide finances with your
spouse, determine parenting plan for the children, most likely to find a new
place to live and move out or see your spouse to move out and deal with other
issues associated with the breakup of the relationship.
represents the death of a marriage and all the hopes and dreams that went into
it. And the death of a marriage, like any death, requires a grieving process
for healing. In almost every divorce filled with unending rage, conflict, and
injury is at least one spouse, if not two, resisting this process and becoming
stuck. During the divorce, an emotionally intelligent person will pass through
a grieving process resembling Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross's five stages of
grieving death (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). See
full article here.
It is highly
unwisely to add additional stress of navigating unknown legal world to the
stress of separating from your spouse.
It is my job as an
attorney to make sure that everything is done properly, on time, all documents
are prepared correctly and in full representation of your interests. While I am
dealing with all that, you can safely grieve the end of your marriage, and work
on moving on with your life. What you do is very important and you should have
enough time to take care of yourself.
Finally, by hiring a
professional to help you through divorce process, you ensure that your divorce
is going fast without unnecessary
delays and avoiding mistakes. It is easier to prepare everything right
the first time around than to repair mistakes made later.
For example, I have
a few clients who prepared parenting plans themselves only to come back in a
few years asking to make those plans more realistic. Modifications of parenting
plans are difficult and require substantial change of circumstances. And they
are also rather expensive and time consuming.
When parenting plan can be changed, divisions
of assets and liabilities are almost always final. If you make a mistake when
dividing property and debt, the court will refuse to correct that mistake. RCW
26.09.170 expressly states that "The provisions as to property disposition
may not be revoked or modified, unless the court finds the existence of
conditions that justify the reopening of a judgment under the laws of this
That is why it is
essential you do everything correctly during the divorce process. And the only
way to ensure that is to hire an attorney to represent your interest.
Finally, when can you represent yourself in divorce?
It is ok to
represent yourself in divorce when you case is small and uncomplicated meaning:
1. You have been married for
less than a year and you did not merge your and your spouse's finances yet
or finances could be easily separated. The shorter the marriage, the
easier it is to put people in the same position as they were before the
marriage. Short marriage also usually means that people did not buy
property together and in general it is easier for them to agree on how to
divide assets and liabilities.
is an exception to short term marriage rule - parties have no minor children,
and no property (except cars and small bank accounts), and they reached an
agreement on how this property should be divided between them.
2. You have no children with
your spouse. Having children means that you will have to agree on
Parenting Plan and calculate child support. Creation of workable Parenting
Plan might be a challenge. It is essential to remember that changing
parenting plan is not that easy, especially when the other party
disagrees. Correct calculation of child support is also essential. Also
the fewer documents to need to prepare to divorce, the fewer mistake you
will make. Adding Order on Child Support, Child Support Worksheets, and
Parenting Plan to the list of documents to prepare is increasing your
chances of making mistakes that will be difficult to correct after the
divorce is finalized.
3. You and your spouse both
work. If you both can support yourselves and especially if your incomes
are similar, issues of spousal maintenance and attorney's fees are
4. You and your spouse agree on
all issues.
If your case is
small and uncomplicated as defined above, read on. In the next blog post I will
explain how to start the divorce process.